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What are the Benefits of being an Advance Morwell member?

A United Voice

Advance Morwell provides local businesses, traders, industry and the community with a united voice.  At a time when decision making at Local, State and Federal levels must be influenced to ensure needs are met, the voice of the Advance Morwell is one that is recognised in the corridors of power.  This representation provides local business and community people with an opportunity to have input and shape those decisions that impact on Morwell and our region.

Information and Support

Through Advance Morwell, members are provided with information, support and the opportunity to be informed of and involved in, issues affecting business in the region.  At least two public meetings per year provide a forum for business and community people to network and share information and support.  This is particularly important in the areas of development and business opportunities.


Advance Morwell lobbies actively, both local and state government officials, on issues critical to the development and future of the district. Advance Morwell is also affiliated with the Committee For Gippsland and can access all levels of Government.

Promotions and Advertising

In coordinating local promotions and advertising initiatives that support smaller businesses, Advance Morwell plays an important role in publicising Morwell and highlighting is many benefits. Advance Morwell maintains a Facebook page and Twitter account to promote events, member businesses and community information.

Assisting Business

Advance Morwell members know the local area, the businesses within it, and the key issues affecting local business and community. They are in a unique position to assist their colleagues in other businesses.

Making Morwell Better

Individually, business operators do not have a voice that is as loud as or as recognised as that of the Advance Morwell.  Membership, provides information, generates benefits from promotional activities, networking opportunities and representation with the scope to affect decision making processes at all levels of Government. Through joining the Advance Morwell, members can work together towards the growth of the Morwell community, with the resultant benefits flowing on to business, employees and the general public.

Contact Us:      

                                                                                                                                                                                ADVANCE MORWELL INC. |   ABN: 79 430 405 176 
Incorporated Association Number: A36948L.                                                                                                                                               Address: PO Box 1061, Morwell Vic 3841  | Chair: Graeme Sennett
 | Tel:  0417 509 149   | email: admin@advancemorwell.org.au

To Advance Morwell and the wider Latrobe City through unity and active community involvement.

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